Toga's Ramblings

I'm a Samoan girl named Toga. Thanks for that, Dad.

Monday, June 8, 2009

oh what a life!

Last week Alma's sister, Vika and Dad came from Hawaii by way of Utah to visit. This past Saturday Andrea, the kiddos (Salamo & Eseta), and Loti came, too. This is the first time I'll be spending time with my new familia since we've been married. At first, I was really very apprehensive about their visit. Not because I didn't like them or want them to come, but because I was afraid they'd get to know me better and decide they didn't like me. I know, people not like me? It's a tough thing to understand, but hey stranger things have happened. haha.
The first night they got here, all those worries faded away. I love them. Well, I've always LOVED them, but I'm so much more happy now! I love that there is no awkward silences. I love that they are comfortable here in our home. I love that they are so accepting of me. Now, I still have little worries that I continue to bug Alma with every night when we're in bed, but he continues to reassure me his family loves me. I just nod my head and say, "okay. babe."
I guess what I really want to say is I'm so grateful to my Father in Heaven for this! I sit back and look at my life and really take in all the wonderful, wonderful blessings that surround me. I am sealed to a man who continues to teach me everyday what it means to love. And with this wonderful man, I have also gained a wonderful new family. He works full-time, provides for our home, feeds my face, so that I can stay home and be pretty. :) What a sweet, sweet deal! I hope he doesn't realize that he's getting ripped off. lmbo! I lalalalalalala love you Almer!


  1. told me yesterday she's going to the "Maer's" for a club meeting...aka the maea' wanna laugh right? Well don't it's your mother and it's funny but sad, but

  2. i for one am SHOCKED that they...that ANYBODY likes you!!!! bwahahahaha.

    all kidding aside, it is a blessing when u can have that relationship with your in-laws. i always counsel my siblings to make sure they marry someone I like. sucks to be her/him:) lol.

  3. hehehehehe...guilty pleasure #204: When your mom FOB's out...bwahahahha
