Toga's Ramblings

I'm a Samoan girl named Toga. Thanks for that, Dad.

Monday, September 21, 2015


What a difference today has been! All because I decided to pray in the morning and read my scriptures. I'm also convinced it's because I flat ironed my hair yesterday and I also feel pretty because of it. lol
Son and I went to the Kahuku library this afternoon for about an hour so he can play. It was really nice. He played with the puzzles and blocks while I relaxed and tried to read up on my personal progress book. Sis. Ava asked me to take over the YW personal progress portion since they do not have anyone called for it yet. Why not, right? I'm excited for it. I hope I don't drop the ball. hehe.
Kehau and I, along with Simione will be going to the volleyball game tonight at the high school to support a few of our YW who are playing. We came home early from the library so I can fix dinner before we leave for the game. Supo moa and ulu is what's for dinner. yummy!!!
I"m feeling a big up beat today. Nothing extraordinary has happened, but I feel good. I'm positive it's because of my prayer and scripture reading today. Why do I do this to myself? Why do I not stay the course when I know it works?! smh. Anyhow, I'm on it, I'm going to try my hardest to stay on it this time.
This morning Simione asked me if it was February yet. lol He knows we're going home in Feb for Max's baptism. I don't know who's more excited, him or me. haha. I'm secretly hoping our days at the library will turn into meeting someone son's age and they'll play together and become friends. I guess that's what all moms wish for their kids, right? To have friends. One thing at a time, Toga. It'll happen.
I've gotta get back on my exercising. These days I'm feeling more and more like a busted can of biscuits...mmmm...biscuits. hahaha.
Tomorrow I think we'll go back to the library, but a bit earlier and maybe afterwards make our way to the bike path. We'll see.

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