Toga's Ramblings

I'm a Samoan girl named Toga. Thanks for that, Dad.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

baby fever

I want another baby. I want Simione to have a sibling; boy or girl. Doesn't matter. Alma and I have been trying to get pregnant for what seems like forever, without any success...obviously. I'm working on my fitness, hoping that is the only thing holding me from getting pregnant. My heart still sinks a little each month, when the crimson tide rolls in (lol) because it means I am not pregnant...again.
Any changes with my menstrual period, I used to get excited, thinking, hey maybe I'm pregnant, but my gut always tells me different and it's always right. boo!
So I wait. I exercise, eat right, and stock up on pads. My time. Our time, will come. He will bless us again with another child. Simone will have a sibling. Toga and Alma will have another child to raise. We will be okay. How do I know? My whole life is full of proof that my Heavenly Father is mindful of me and answers prayers. How can I NOT know?

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