Toga's Ramblings

I'm a Samoan girl named Toga. Thanks for that, Dad.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday, I've missed you.

Today we talked/learned about service. The Spirit was so strong in class. I loved hearing everyone's testimony about this commandment. I was reminded of my Savior and His great example of service. His life was dedicated to serving others. To serving me. One comment made in class in regards to our Savior almost had me bursting out in tears. He spoke of our Savior and His life of service. He spoke of how the Savior walked a lonely road. It was our Savior's reason here on this earth; to serve us and die for us. Jesus Christ performed the greatest acts of service for us all...the Atonement. It is through service we can be closer to our Father in Heaven. It is through service we can attain eternal life. One cannot just pray for the sick and afflicted or the homeless. One must get up and serve them. The old "actions speak louder than words" quote comes to mind. I walked out of class having a renewed desire to serve others. Do I plan on going out and doing this HUUUGE service project? One day. But until then, I'll start by serving in my home. What a great day. Sunday, I've missed you. Thanks for today. :)

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