Toga's Ramblings

I'm a Samoan girl named Toga. Thanks for that, Dad.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Dr. visit.

It's been a while since I've blogged anything about my life. It's partly because of my laziness, but mostly because my boring life. lol. Lili, I mean the "blog patrol" told me I should blog about my Dr's visit today, because she thinks it'll be funny. I don't know why. It's not like I had to step on a digital scale scared to death that it would read, "error" because I'm a fatty. Or after a grueling, what seemed to be FOREVER, the scale finally read my weight; 120lbs. Yea, I thought so. :) that my nurse tells me she's my neighbor. So now the nurse, who's had 4 kids but looks to weigh about 5 cents soaking wet, informs me that she's my neighbor! I'm thinking, "great! not only are you NOT 120lbs, but your freakin' neighbor knows it!" That's just lovely. She asks me the reason for my visit. I tell her I need a physical and a pregnancy test. She instantly lights up. Of course comes the trail of questions. "Do you guys wants kids? Are you guys trying to have kids? When was your last period? ooooohhhh" I say yes to all and tell her my last period was in June. I missed all of July. I took a test, it came up negative. I'm not sure if I did it wrong. She gives me a specimen cup and shows me to the bathroom. The cup was pretty wide and so you think I'd have an easy time peeing in it. Uh, no. I still managed to get pee, I mean "urine" on the sides of the cup and on to my hands. ugh! What am I, 10?!? I flush the toilet, clean the outside of the cup, wash my hands more careful then usual, because I've got urine all over them, and I leave. The test comes up negative. It's okay. It'll happen one day and when it does it'll be great! Until then, we'll just feed our nieces and nephews with all the junk they want and then send them home to their parents. :)
The nurse leaves and I wait in the room for about 15mins before Dr. Robertson walks in. We say the usual "hi. how are you. fine. nice to meet yous" He looks at my name and asks, "So, when was the last time you were back home?" I giggle and say, "Well, Tacoma is only 3 hours away, so my husband and I go back fairly often." He doesn't laugh. I quickly re-trace my steps and in a more serious tone, explain to him that I was born and raised in the states. By then, he's already decided he doesn't care. I secretly wish this visit was already over.
The Dr. asks me why I'm here. I tell him. He nods. He goes down a list of questions. I answer. He nods. He asks me if when was the last time I had a pap smear. I say, "never" He looks at my birthday and tells me, I techniquelly don't have to get tested 'til I'm 30. But since I'm almost 30 (I cringe a little at the "well, since you're almost 30" remark) I can get a pap and HPV test now, and if it comes up negative I won't have to get another for a few more years. I instantly start to panic. Why? Well, I was only planning on getting a physical today. I wasn't planning on having the Dr. look at my whooo-haaa. We just met and I'd like to get to know him better before I let him see the goods. lol. My anxiety quickly goes away when he says, "Just schedule it with my receptionist on your way out." whew! I didn't schedule it. I plan on it one day. Just not today. Or tomorrow. Maybe next month. I need to. Or maybe I'll just wait 'til I'm officially 30. For my b/day gift, I'll go get a pap smear and a HPV test. yay!
The rest of the visit goes well. He listens to my lungs, checks my thyroids, (I was secretly hoping something would be wrong, that way I can have a diagnosis for my being so damn fat. Turns out my thyroids are fine and I just eat too much.) looks in my ears. Thank goodness I remembered to use a q-tip this morning. yes! Tasi le mea sa'o. lol.
Alma and I get in the car and we talk about my visit. He laughs. I laugh. We go eat. I decide I want a second opinion on my thyroid status.


  1. interesting. very interesting.

    first: when i first went to take a pregnancy test (urine) it came out negative. and i was pretty sure i was pregnant. i had never in my life missed a period. and i hadn't had one in TWO months. for some reason the lady decided to re-test my pee and it came out positive. so you never know ;)

    second: when u do ur pap smear please do NOT blog about it. lol. but also make sure u trim (or burn) ur weeds.

    third: it TOTALLY sucks that ur neighbor knows how much you weigh. lol. now everyone on the block is gonna refer to u as the neighbor who is NOT 120 lbs. sell ur house. lol.

  2. bwahahahaha!!

    first of all, there is nothing wrong with being 30, okay? NOTHING!! *lol*

    and den...why you gotta be from a different country? why can't you just be from down the street? *ponders* oh yeah. you live in oregon. land of the rednecks.

    all good, sis. not to worry. i live in the boonies of utah, land of the pinknecks and people ask me things like that all the time. i should blog about one of those times. it was pretty funny.

    lastly, you could still be extremely pregnant. i know you're a nurse...but doctors don't know crap! amen.
